The Plot To Kill Lord Whitney is a collaborative project between Lord Whitney, writer Cassie Kill and designer Daniel Lancaster.
So now we know who did it...
"Although she appears secret and serene on the surface, Lobster girl is harboring a dark secret, for it was she who tried to kill Lord Whitney. But she was not alone in her attempt.
Some fifteen years ago she met and fell in love with Vladimir, the only man to ever have accepted her. They had a child, or children Macha and Dacha, who due to their unusual genes, were born joined at the hip.
Lord Whitney did not prove of the relationship and wanting to take advantage of the twins and their potential for new paying ogglers, he cruelly separated the family and the twins never knew who their parents were.
As added vulgarity, he ordered Lobster girl to endless late night shows and he humiliated her by using her pincers as nutcrackers. The smell of Almonds would haunt her forever!
Vladamir and Lobster Girl, in a stolen moment, hatched their plan to poison Lord Whitney and flee with their twins to live the life they always dreamed of. In one last note to Lobster Girl they agreed to meet after the deed had been done, but Vladimir suspected the Lord had overheard their plan. And he had!
At the suspicious meeting Vladimir had asked 'to discuss pay' the Lord slyly swapped the two glasses set in front of them. He smelt the tell tale smell of Almond on the glass. The poison was odourless but the remnants of the nuts from Lobster Girls pincers was unmissable. So downing his drink the poison rushed into Vladimirs heart, beating with fear and anticipation, Lobster Girl had killed her one true love, and her cruel torturer lived to tell the tale..."